Membership in VFCCi is offered free of charge to residents and property owners of Forest Falls, Mountain Home Village and Angelus Oaks.
Charter Members
Membership purchased during the first years operation of Big Falls Lodge, i.e. 5-26-07 to 5-26-08 shall be designated a “Charter Member” with that member retaining Charter status for as long as their membership remains in good standing and receiving other benefits as may be determined by the Board of Directors.
Founding Members and Summit Sponsors
Persons who donated a minimum of $2500 in money, labor, material or a combination thereof during the period of May 26 2007 to May 25 2008 are designated a "Founder" with those participating after May 25, 2008 being designated a "Summit Sponsor". Founders and Summit Sponsors are honored lifetime members, regardless of membership requirements for themselves and their immediate household and, additionally, are honored by a plaque in perpetuity at Big Falls Lodge.
Founders and Summit Sponsors who do not meet the membership guidelines shall be considered "Guest Members" and afforded all rights of membership except the right to vote or serve as a member of the Board of Directors.
Member Benefits
• Members receive a substantial discount, normally 50% or more, off the general public rate for the rental of Big Falls Lodge.
Members may attend some VFCCi sponsored classes/events for free with others being up to 50% off the general public price.
Copyright 2006-2007 Valley Of The Falls Community Center, Inc. All rights reserved.