Community Action


Chili Cookoff Fundraiser - Debi Welch, 794-6160

Disaster Response - Thom Wellman, 794-2065

Day Care/Latch Key - Susan Iles

old Fallsvale School rehab - David Erickson

Community Cares - Michelle Macri

Community Programs

Local CERT / Disaster Response Classes:
Paul Tetreault,
Learn about the National CERT Program

Open Committees

Please contact a VFCCi Board member if you are interested in participating in the following committee functions:

Grant writing for rehabilitation of "old Fallsvale School".
"Rocks and Recreation", after school, summer, weekend activities for all ages.
Seniors, plan and coordinate events in and outside of our communities.
College Extension and Adult School classes.
Copyright 2006-2007 Valley Of The Falls Community Center, Inc. All rights reserved.